Barton Guy Bryan

Team Bryan Wellness' CEO & Coach

I proudly pass my experience on to other men battling middle-age. I understand how work, family, and life derail even the most disciplined fitness regimens. I respect the intimidating challenge of getting back on track in middle age. But I'm living proof that with relentless drive and community support, it's never too late to become your best self.

My journey isn't over. I still wake up early to hit the weights, even when I'm tired or sore. I still meal prep on weekends, avoiding the temptation of convenience. And I still surround myself with positive, like-minded friends who hold me accountable. The difference now is I do it with joy, not obligation.

Staying on this path takes continual self-reflection and humility. But I'm determined to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Because only through living the lessons can I fully support others on their path to a stronger, healthier self. I can't wait to pass the torch, helping new heroes ignite their untapped potential.

Garrett Carter

Team Bryan Wellness’ Fitness Coach

30-year-old Texan, grew up on farms and ranches, instilling in him a strong work ethic. Excelling in high school football, he earned All-State honors in both defense and offense before playing at Texas Tech University. While in High School, he also performed in the Marching Band.

After football, Garrett tackled the Cap City Triathlon, sparking an interest in endurance sports. He then dove into CrossFit for two years, mastering its rigorous training.

Now a fitness coach, Garrett specializes on helping clients with weight loss, gaining muscle, and youth athlete development, offering personalized programs and support.

Olivia Orsak

Team Bryan Wellness’ Occupational Therapist and Certified Personal Trainer

With seven years of experience as an ACE-certified personal trainer, Olivia has honed her skills in helping individuals achieve their fitness goals effectively and safely. Her certification to instruct TRX classes and Spin further demonstrates her commitment to providing diverse and innovative training methods to her clients.

Originally from Memphis, Tennessee, Olivia pursued her academic endeavors at the University of Arkansas, where she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in 2017. Continuing her education, she went on to obtain a Master's degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of St. Augustine in Austin in 2020, solidifying her knowledge and understanding of rehabilitation and holistic wellness practices


Olivia's passion for fitness extends beyond her professional pursuits; it is a fundamental aspect of her lifestyle. Alongside her career, she finds joy in exploring various fitness activities, from hiking trails to attending fitness classes. This personal dedication to maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle informs her approach to working with clients, as she understands firsthand the importance of finding enjoyable and sustainable fitness routines.

Beyond fitness, Olivia is an avid traveler, finding inspiration and joy in exploring new cultures and landscapes. She values the opportunity to broaden her horizons and incorporate diverse perspectives into her work. Additionally, she enjoys reading, viewing it as a valuable source of knowledge and personal growth.

In both her professional and personal life, Olivia Orsak exemplifies a commitment to health, wellness, and continual learning. Through her expertise as an Occupational Therapist and Certified Personal Trainer, she empowers individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives, embodying the principles of holistic wellness and lifelong fitness.